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HabitAware Blog: Soul Fuel

Man who is Skin Picking and learning about Habit Reversal Training.

Habit Reversal Training for Skin Picking Relief

If you often find yourself caught in the cycle of skin picking, you're not alone. Like nail biting and hair pulling, dermatillomania is another Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior (BFRBs). But there's...

Habit Reversal Training for Skin Picking Relief

If you often find yourself caught in the cycle of skin picking, you're not alone. Like nail biting and hair pulling, dermatillomania is another Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior (BFRBs). But there's...

Woman with trichotillomania pulling her hair.

Modern Approaches to Trichotillomania Therapy

Trichotillomania is a condition often hidden in plain sight, marked by an irresistible urge to pull out one's hair, leading to noticeable hair loss and distress. For those living with...

Modern Approaches to Trichotillomania Therapy

Trichotillomania is a condition often hidden in plain sight, marked by an irresistible urge to pull out one's hair, leading to noticeable hair loss and distress. For those living with...

Guest Blog: The "Trich Professor" Spreads Awareness in the British Medical Journal

Guest Blog: The "Trich Professor" Spreads Aware...

We are so happy to have University of Oxford professor Clare E. Mackay as a guest writer for this blog post. Clare is an amazing advocate for the Trichotillomania communtiy....

Guest Blog: The "Trich Professor" Spreads Aware...

We are so happy to have University of Oxford professor Clare E. Mackay as a guest writer for this blog post. Clare is an amazing advocate for the Trichotillomania communtiy....

Plucking Beard Hair

Beard Picking: An Involuntary Habit Unveiled

Discover the impact of plucking beard hair, learn about the consequences of beard plucking, and find effective solutions. Is plucking beard hair bad for you?

Beard Picking: An Involuntary Habit Unveiled

Discover the impact of plucking beard hair, learn about the consequences of beard plucking, and find effective solutions. Is plucking beard hair bad for you?

Girl With Dermatillomania Scalp Picking:

Dermatillomania Scalp: Understanding and Coping...

Are you or someone you know suffering from Dermatillomania? Discover the latest treatment and methods on how to stop dermatillomania.

Dermatillomania Scalp: Understanding and Coping...

Are you or someone you know suffering from Dermatillomania? Discover the latest treatment and methods on how to stop dermatillomania.

Fidget toys for skin picking.

Fidget Toys for Skin Picking

Skin picking is a common struggle for many, and it can be challenging to resist the urge to pick at your skin. You might be wondering, can fidget toys help?...

Fidget Toys for Skin Picking

Skin picking is a common struggle for many, and it can be challenging to resist the urge to pick at your skin. You might be wondering, can fidget toys help?...

  • "Thank you for your faithful emails, they are a source of great motivation for many of us. I actually think of my Keen as a "helper", a unique tool to remind me when I am slipping into my danger zone."
    - L.M.

  • "This newsletter is excellent...I credit the mere existence of this product and the feeling of community fostered by this newsletter, as two of the catalysts that helped free me from my shame and self-loathing in regards to my trichotillomania."
    - D.M.

  • "I won’t unsubscribe. You changed my life. Pull-free for almost 3 months. Thank you for all you do, I haven’t felt this confident in over 10 years."
    - S.M.

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