#BFRBAwarenessWeek may be over, but it’s important to continue the conversation. Here are some of our favorite #BFRBWeek tweets from Oct 1 – Oct 7, 2015. Thanks to all these courageous people for being vulnerable & sharing their stories. We hope to help you all!
4 years of #trichotillomania and I no longer ashamed. I wear my hair up, and if anyone asks I'll tell them. #BFRBAwarenessWeek
— 💀⚡💔♋ (@Sarahtops9000) October 9, 2015
Spreading awareness for trichotillomania and other body focused repetitive behaviours this week! #BFRBawarenessweek pic.twitter.com/nQ4XHjxcs2
— Bridget Bradley (@bridgetbradley) October 3, 2015
It takes more work and energy to dislike yourself than it does to love yourself. Life is better with self-love. #BFRBAwarenessWeek
— Lindsey Muller (@lmullertherapy) October 7, 2015
#BFRBawarenessweek Today Is #Dermatillomania Awareness Day - But What Does That Mean? http://t.co/uaAcuZBsp0 via @buzzfeeders
— Jenna Line (@jenna_line) October 1, 2015
Although I'm not proud about having #Trichotillomania, it doesn't mean I'm ashamed of it. #BFRBAwarenessWeek #BFRB
— Sophie (@Pretty_Polishd) October 6, 2015
For the morning crowd on the last day of #BFRBAwarenessWeek http://t.co/aaekO3K46S
— Katie Bailey (@EmmaCarelli) October 7, 2014
#BFRBAwarenessWeek These are real conditions and more people need to be aware of them. pic.twitter.com/5JCoC8KEa4
— meg :( (@nutello2l) October 4, 2014
Please read!!! #BFRBAwarenessWeek #TLC pic.twitter.com/TGgjN7G695
— 🌸Emily Simmons🌸 (@emcorinne_) October 2, 2015