1 out of 50 people have OCD in the United States: Smart bracelet helps quit small habits (美國每50人有1人患強迫症 智慧手帶助戒甩小動作)


Translated:  In addition to drugs that can be used with the treatment to help OCD patients, a Fitbit-like smart bracelet, Keen by HabitAware, helps users quit unwanted habits. It is able to detect the trained behavior and send a vibration to the user as a reminder to stop the behavior. The price is only about 100 US dollars (about 780 HKD) to 200 US dollars (about 1,560 HKD). Even if it’s not for OCD patients, Keen can also help if you want to quit biting pens or other similar behaviors.

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The Keen2 bracelet was created out of personal need. It's gesture-detection technology allows it to vibrate when it detects you doing your behavior, and sends you a signal to take care of yourself. Identify triggers, find patterns, and redirect urges with Keen2.

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