The Power of Telling Your Secret, with Aneela Idnani Kumar, HabitAware

For 20 years, Aneela Idnani Kumar had a secret. She spent her life in shame and embarrassment. One day, unexpectedly, her secret came to light. This moment transformed her life, and in the process, helped thousands of others.

She suffered from a debilitating mental health disorder that resulted in compulsive hair pulling. The condition is called trichotillomania. Trichotillomania is a mental condition that fits into the general category of Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs).

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The Keen2 bracelet was created out of personal need. It's gesture-detection technology allows it to vibrate when it detects you doing your behavior, and sends you a signal to take care of yourself. Identify triggers, find patterns, and redirect urges with Keen2.

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