Kids deserve a space to be kids.

These kid-only Zoom meetings are 60 minutes.

Sign up for as many hangouts as you'd like, no minimum requirement.

Kid Hangouts are non-refundable, and cannot be exchanged. They are for intended for kids ages 7-12. Maximum attendance is 10 kids.

Collection: Sign up for Kid Hangouts

Kid Hangouts require a separate Zoom registration. After purchase, watch your email for that link!

Kids deserve to be heard.

Gessie Perez is passionate about working with kids, and is a proud BFRB advocate. She has had trichotillomania since the age of 11 and has made it her life's mission to give back to the BFRB community.

Gessie works professionally as a caregiver for children with developmental disabilities. In 2019, she started her “Trichster Sisters” program, in which she sends care packages to young girls with trichotillomania and acts as a mentor to them. She is the author of a memoir, Triumphant Trichster, and a kids book, A Trichy Situation. As a longtime member of the Keen family, Gessie is so thrilled to have a role working as a peer coach on the HabitAware team.

Kid Hangouts are not substitutes for medical advice. By booking a Kid Hangout, you agree to acknowledging and agreeing to our medical disclaimer.