Keen2 Guide - Navigate the App with us
The first thing the Keen2 will ask you to do is to sign in or create a new account.
If this is your first time using Keen2, please create an account.
Once you are logged in, you’ll be taken to the Courses screen.
The Courses screen provides a variety of informational presentations for you to better understand BFRBs, the psychology of recovery, and how to make Keen2 work for you. It can be helpful to go back and review these courses every now and again to instill the information in your mind.
The person icon at the top of this screen will take you to the Account Settings screen.
From this screen, you’ll be able to edit various important details about your account including your password, email, and notification settings. Press the x in the top left corner to return to the Courses screen.
Let’s navigate to the Dashboard screen.
Clicking the dashboard icon in the bottom right corner will take you to the Dashboard. It looks like a bar graph.
This is the dashboard screen. The graph on top shows you how often, and how much you have been exhibiting your behavior. Tapping into a specific point on the graph (circled in red) will show you more details, and here you can edit each point to include your location and your mood.
You can adjust what information the graph shows you in a couple of ways. On the top of the graph, you’ll notice that different behaviors are listed.
If you select just one of the behaviors, the graph will only show you each incident of that specific behavior. The key here is making sure your incidents are properly tagged with the behavior you exhibited. If you do multiple behaviors, this is a very convenient way to compare!
At the bottom of the graph, you can toggle between time frames to see your progress at a wider scale. Additionally, if you swipe on the graph itself, you can view previous weeks/months/years.
The timer at the bottom of the screen labeled “I’ve been HabitAware for:” counts how long it’s been since you’ve performed your behavior. It’s meant to be an encouraging way to motivate yourself and increase your streak!
Pressing the “Refresh Bands” at the top of the graph will reconnect your Keen2 bands to your phone.
Pressing the Keen icon in the top left corner of the dashboard will take you to the Band Settings screen.
The Band Settings screen allows you to edit your band to your preferences.
You can rename your band and edit the settings on your behavior. Please watch the Adjust Keen2 Settings tutorial for more information on how to adjust.
The gear icon in the top right of the dashboard screen allows you to Log Out or Reconnect to Cloud as a means of backing up your data.
Lastly, tapping on the “+” icon in the footer will allow you to manually input an instance of your behavior. This is useful if you know that you had a pulling/picking/biting episode, but forgot to wear your Keen2, or it was charging, etc.
When inputting your episode, please take care to fill out all of the details, so that when you look back you’ll have lots of data to compare!