Keen2 is designed for you.
The first step to Habit Reversal Training (the standard of treatment for Dermatillomania) is Awareness Training. Keen2 vibrates every single time that you reach for your face, and tracks the data. How's that for aware?
Build the awareness you need to make a difference.
Read More ReviewsFAQ
How will Keen2 stop me from picking?
Keen2 will vibrate whenever it detects you picking. It will not shock you. Once Keen2 has gotten your attention, it is your job to move your hand and reach for a healthier self-soothing strategy.
At HabitAware, we remember how it feels to be scolded and made to feel "less-than" because of our Dermatillomania. And if we had to place a bet, you've probably tried the shame-fueled self-punishment direction of trying to stop, too.
Has it worked for you?
We believe that it takes self-love and self-care to stop these behaviors. That's why we want you to consider Keen2 your "self-care alarm," a gentle reminder that you deserve to take care of your mind and body.
What skin picking behaviors does Keen2 work for?
Anything above the shoulders. Picking from your scalp, neck, and face would all be within Keen2's range.
Unfortunately, we do not recommend Keen2 for finger picking.
What percent of users have success?
94% of users say Keen2 raised their awareness of their face picking. (You might think you know when you're face picking, but you probably aren't as aware as you think. Check out why.)
82% of users say Keen2 reduced their behavior. Doesn't work for you? Thankfully we've got an amazing 90-day return guarantee!
Order with confidence.
90-Day Guarantee
Experts say behavior change takes ~66 days, with Keen you get 90
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