I know that our customers purchase Keen for different reasons. Being the curious person that I am, I decided to look through all our testimonials and reviews to see if I could find out some of those reasons (above & beyond the “I want to take control of my hair pulling / skin picking / nail biting!).
Almost all our customer emails / fb messages / social posts are tear jerkers. And almost all have the same common themes of hope & relief that Keen was made for us to help stop hair pulling (trichotillomania), or help stop nail biting (onychophagia), or help stop skin picking (dermatillomania).
And yeah, sure there was a bit of skepticism too – if a device would really work. But all in, I saw a commitment to Keen, and more importantly a commitment to bettering oneself. And my, oh my, what progress our Keen family is making!!!
I hope YOU, dear reader-on-the-fence, will join them on the journey to awareness. After all, Keen is made for YOU by ONE OF YOU!
<Join our community of thousands and get your Keen here>
The top 7 reasons why people choose Keen:
1. You build awareness with Keen.
After every detection of the behavior, you have to press Keen’s button to acknowledge and log your behavior. Psychologists say that acknowledgement is the key to building awareness.
See how psychologist, Dr. Ali Mattu, uses awareness to treat BFRBs.
“For the first time in my life, I have been able to watch a show without pulling my hair. For the first time in my life, I have been able to study without pulling my hair.” — @essentiallykailey, Instagram
“When I wear them consistently (a struggle for me, I will admit) my brain seems to know that my arm will buzz if I lift it. It is extremely helpful to not even have my hand go to my head-when it is already there, it makes avoidance even harder. But with Keen, my hand doesn’t get that far.” — Tessa H., Facebook
2. You can visibly track your progress.
With the Keen app, you can track each time you do your behavior. Watch that daily tally go down as you build those awareness muscles.
“That is a cool thing about the bracelet and app though—it still gives you the responsibility of logging when you did pick or pull or whatever it is and it’s super simple. Just press the button on the side.” — @laura_barton, Instagram
“Being able to see the progress and each date shows the time the offense occurred really helps to be able to figure out what triggers the behaviors. ” — Jenny K., Facebook
3. You can pick the style that fits YOUR style.
Maybe you’re an active person, so you choose our silicone Sporty Keen. Fancy event coming up? No problem, our Stylish Keen has got you covered.
Check out the different Keen styles >>
We’ve also designed Keen to be discreet, so when you say it’s your “activity tracker,” you’re not lying!
“I have the sporty version and it is very comfortable to wear and not hard to put on or take off.” — Anonymous, private email
“With this bracelet, I don’t have to tell my teacher because it looks like a Fitbit watch and people won’t ask what it is.” — Anonymous, private email
4. You can train Keen for 4 different areas.
We highly encourage all in our Keen family to start by training just ONE gesture for positive behavior change. This is so you can get to know yourself and you behavior a little more. Because after all, its ALL about AWARENESS. But we know that sometimes we have more than one behavior we are trying to kick, which is why we’ve developed Keen to be trained for up to 4 areas at a time. This, combined with our gesture nick-naming feature allows you to have different areas for different times of day or different environments (think work vs. home on the couch).
“I have two bands. With the bracelets I programmed them quickly for four of my exact pulling gestures . The customization is easy. After that the vibration alerted me each time I was pulling or going into that gesture.” — Rebecca F., Facebook
5. You can relax with Keen’s breathing light.
Building awareness is nothing if you don’t learn to REPLACE the urge with something more positive. That’s why we’ve included a “replacement strategy” right on our smart bracelet. By holding the button on Keen for 3 vibrations, you’re able to do a one-minute deep breathing exercise alongside Keen’s light to calm your body and mind.
“[My son] also loves the lighted breathing feature, which has helped him avoid full-blown panic attacks. Today, he no longer has the urge to pull and his hair is slowly growing back.” — Anonymous, private email
6. Your child can wear Keen.
Keen is developed with kids in mind.
If your child is ready for positive behavior modification, Keen is the smart device for them to build those awareness muscles. There are two main reasons why this is true.
Firstly, our small sporty bracelet is designed with kid-sized wrists.
Secondly, Keen’s gesture detection is standalone. So, you don’t always need a connection to the phone app. This means mom & dad can be at work, while a child wearing Keen can be at school.
“We are loving ours, I’m so thankful to NOT be saying “ get your hand out of your mouth”, so easy to train, our 13 year trained his own! Thank you for your love and dedication!” — Doolie, HabitAware blog comment
7. You’ll love HabitAware’s customer service.
Have questions about Keen? The cofounding team personally responds to each and every one of our emails and posts on social media. Need help getting set up? We do video chats (for free!) to walk you through the finer points of Keen’s custom gesture detection, Motion Fingerprint.
Why? Because we truly care! As a person who grew up dealing with hair pulling disorder, Aneela, our cofounder & resident “trichster” never wants another person to feel the way she did growing up.
Additionally, one of our friends Karla, has been so inspired by our mission she’s joined our team as Director of Customer Success! It’s our collective mission to get you set up for success with Keen!
Oh, and, if you’re not satisfied, we have a 90-day money back guarantee.
“I’ve emailed the creator a few times with questions and she’s been very helpful. I don’t wish trich on anyone but I think it’s a blessing that the creator understands trich from a personal experience. She gets it and because of that she had the ability to create this to help herself testing out undoubtedly many things to get to this.” — Rebecca F., Facebook
“Customer service is excellent- they will even offer to set up a video call if you’re having trouble with the bracelet.” — Annalee F., Facebook
Did I miss a reason why YOU chose Keen? Please let me know in the comments!
with love & keen awareness,
About Keen by HabitAware
HabitAware makes Keen, a smart bracelet that helps manage nail biting, hair pulling, thumb sucking, and other subconscious behaviors. Customized gesture detection brings you into awareness and helps you develop healthier habits.
Order now & sign up for our e-newsletter for helpful strategies, news & important product updates.