Woman looking in a mirror at her eyelashes that grew.

Luscious Lashes 101: Overcoming the Urge of Pulling Out Eyelashes

Luscious lashes are not just a symbol of beauty but also play a crucial role in framing and accentuating our eyes. However, the irresistible urge to pull out eyelashes can become a distressing habit for some individuals.

This condition, known as
trichotillomania, affects the physical appearance of lashes and the person's emotional well-being. This blog will explore the answer to the question, “Do eyelashes grow back if pulled out?” and share tips for caring for your lashes. We will also provide helpful strategies to overcome the urge to pull them out.

Understanding Trichotillomania and Lash Pulling

Trichotillomania, also called hair-pulling disorder, is a psychological condition characterized by the repetitive urge to pull out one's hair, including eyelashes. The act of pulling out eyelashes can lead to damage, thinning, and even loss of lashes, affecting the overall appearance of the eyes.

Emotional triggers, such as stress or anxiety often exacerbate this behavior, making it challenging to control consciously. If eyelashes are pulled out from the root, the regrowth process may take longer, further impacting lash health.

The urge to pull out eyelashes may manifest in different ways. Some individuals may be aware of the behavior and find it difficult to resist, while others may engage in unconscious pulling, only realizing the extent of the damage afterwards. Recognizing the signs and triggers is crucial to address the issue effectively.

How to Overcome the Urge of Pulling Out Lashes?

Overcoming the urge to pull out eyelashes requires a combination of self-awareness and practical strategies. Here are some effective methods to combat trichotillomania and preserve your luscious lashes:

Mindfulness and Self-Awareness

The first step in addressing eyelash pulling is to become more mindful of the behavior. Pay attention to the situations or emotions that trigger the urge to pull. Keep a journal to track patterns and identify any underlying triggers. Being self-aware of your mental well-being can help you interrupt the impulse and redirect your actions.

Seek Professional Support

Dealing with trichotillomania can be challenging, and seeking professional support is essential. Reach out to a mental health professional or therapist specializing in body-focused repetitive behaviors. They can offer coping mechanisms, stress management techniques, and behavioral interventions tailored to your
specific needs.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
is a commonly recommended approach for managing trichotillomania. This therapeutic method helps individuals identify negative thought patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Keep Your Hands Busy

One of the key strategies to overcome the urge to pull lashes is to keep your hands engaged. Find alternative activities to occupy your hands, such as squeezing a stress ball, doodling, or using fidget toys. By redirecting your hands to other tasks, you reduce the opportunity to pull out your lashes unconsciously. The best fidgets are the ones that fulfill the need you have at the moment.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Since stress and anxiety often exacerbate trichotillomania, learning relaxation techniques can be beneficial. Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help you manage stress levels and reduce the urge to pull out your lashes. Regular practice of these techniques can promote a sense of calmness and aid in breaking the cycle of eyelash pulling.

Reward System

Implementing a reward system can be a positive reinforcement tool to encourage progress in curbing the urge to pull out lashes. Set achievable goals and reward yourself with small treats or activities when you successfully resist the urge. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.

Tips for Lash Care

Do eyelashes grow back if pulled out from the root?

The answer is yes, they do. However, regrowth can take 6 weeks or more. Here are some lash care tips to support the regrowth process.

Be Gentle with Your Lashes

When caring for your lashes, always handle them gently. Avoid rubbing or pulling them, as this can lead to lash breakage and damage. Instead, use a soft touch when applying makeup or cleaning the eye area.

Use Lash Serums or Oils

Consider using lash serums or oils enriched with essential nutrients to promote lash growth and maintain health. These products can help strengthen lashes and make them less susceptible to damage. Apply the serum or oil carefully along the lash line before bedtime for optimal results.

Remove Eye Makeup Carefully

When removing eye makeup, use a gentle and effective makeup remover. Be cautious not to tug or pull on your lashes during the process. Instead, soak a cotton pad with the remover and gently press it against your closed eyelid to dissolve
the makeup.

Be Patient with Lash Growth

If you've experienced lash thinning or loss due to trichotillomania, be patient with the regrowth process. Lashes typically take several weeks to grow back fully, so avoid pulling on new growth to allow them to reach their full potential. Refrain from using lash extensions or false lashes until your natural lashes have had a
chance to recover.

Proper Mascara Application

If you use mascara, apply it carefully to avoid clumping and excessive weight on your lashes. Use a mascara wand with bristles that separate and coat each lash evenly. Avoid applying multiple layers of mascara, as this can lead to lash breakage.

Woman applying mascara to her lashes

Final Thoughts

Overcoming the urge to pull out eyelashes can be challenging, but with patience, self-awareness, and support, it is possible to break free from trichotillomania. Embrace the beauty of your luscious lashes and follow these tips for lash care to ensure their health.

For those seeking additional support in overcoming trichotillomania and preserving their luscious lashes, HabitAware Keen2 offers a powerful solution. Keen2 is a smart wearable device designed to promote self-awareness and empower you to break free from unwanted behaviors, including eyelash pulling.

With its in-app course on habit reversal training, Keen2 provides a holistic system to help you take control and achieve lasting positive change. Discover how
HabitAware Keen2 can be your ally in overcoming the urge to pull out your lashes and regaining confidence in your appearance.

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