* by Ellen Crupi, HabitAware Director of Business Development & Awareness *
It’s that time of year.
Nope, not the holidays, or time for New Year resolutions. I’m talking about that time of year when we all scramble to spend those expiring HealthCare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Health Savings Account (HSA) dollars!
Not sure what an FSA account is? This article breaks it down. And you can learn about HSA accounts here.
It’s like being a kid in a candy shop, walking through the aisles of CVS or Walgreens or Target Pharmacy to find eligible products. And that eligibility is such a conundrum! There is such a wide variety of covered ailments and conditions. Deciphering what’s eligible or not covered with an FSA/HSA can be tricky, especially since every FSA/HSA has a different administrator and guidelines that vary state by state, and plan by plan. You can see a list of generally permitted medical and dental expenses here.
At HabitAware, we have put together some helpful guidelines that might help you obtain FSA/HSA coverage for Keen. Might is the key word here, because requirements differ by plan. As such, before we share how you might be able to get FSA/HSA reimbursement for your Keen, we need to share two key vocabulary words:
Guar·an·tee – ˌɡerənˈtē/ – Noun: a formal promise or assurance (typically in writing) that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality and durability
Typ·i·cal·ly – ˈtipik(ə)lē/ – Adverb: in most cases: usually
And now for the how, including our two key vocabulary words:
First and foremost, there is no guarantee that FSA/HSA will reimburse your Keen purchase. To confirm reimbursement, we recommend that you contact your FSA/HSA administrator. However, FSA/HSA administrators typically will cover digital devices, like Keen, if medical necessity is provided. This typically means the purchase needs to be accompanied by a note from a doctor or a therapist. Here are the steps to take to see if your FSA/HSA account may be used to cover the cost of your Keen smart habit tracker:
- Contact your FSA/HSA plan administrator – if contact information is not readily accessible, you’ll likely have to dig this information up through your Employer / HR.
- Secure a letter of Medical Necessity – ask your medical doctor or therapist to fill out this form.
- File a Claim – Be sure to include your Keen receipt (which is the order confirmation you received by email) and provide the completed letter of medical necessity.
- Cross your fingers – Wait for your FSA/HSA plan to approve or deny your reimbursement.
Again, we can not guarantee that you’ll be reimbursed through your FSA/HSA account. What we can guarantee is that every Keen is made with love and comes with a 90-day money back guarantee.
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