Student-led Trichotillomania Study

Student-led Trichotillomania Study

Hello, my name is Chloe Walker-Brown and I have suffered with Trichotillomania from as young as 2 years old according to the recollection of my parents. The condition is something I have been used to all of my life and unable to break from. As a now university student, I have decided to focus my research on the condition that I have been so familiar with, yet know so little about from all of my life.

Therefore, I am currently seeking volunteers with or without a diagnosis of Trichotillomania to partake in my research project as part of my dissertation for a Psychology undergraduate degree. This study will focus on the psychological mechanisms of Trichotillomania and inhibitory control, giving focus to the subtypes of ‘focused’ and ‘automatic’ hair pulling. Please note, the use of a computer in order to access this study is preferable, especially for the experimental design.

If you are over the age of 18 years old and wish to take part in this study, your participation will involve:

  • Reading a participant information sheet that contains further information about this research and what you can expect from this research in more detail.
  • Before the study begins, you will be asked to provide a unique 6 digit identification code which will ensure the information you provide is anonymous.
  • You will be asked to complete demographic questions, such as age, gender, ethnicity and native country. This is then followed by querying any other health conditions you may have.
  • You will then be taken to study 1 which is a questionnaire study which should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.
  • Upon completing study 1, you will be invited to take part in a second study which uses online experiments. Instructions on the screen will guide you through how to complete the experiment. This task should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

At the end of the study you will be debriefed and provided with further information and sources of support.

Participation in this research is greatly appreciated, however participation is entirely voluntary. If you begin the study and at any point before finishing the study wish to leave, then you may do so by exiting the browser and your data will not be stored nor will it be used in this study. If you wish to withdraw your data after finishing the study, you will need to email me your unique identification code and I will delete all data linked to the unique identification code.

Furthermore, I strongly recommend that no one participates in this research project if under the influence of drugs or alcohol and additionally if there is a risk of suicide.

Thank you for taking the time to read this advertisement. The link for this study is below:

View Study

If you experience any issues accessing this link, please contact me via email ( to let me know and I will work to have any issues resolved as soon as possible.

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