THREE Trichotillomania Research Opportunities from Universities!

THREE Trichotillomania Research Opportunities from Universities!

A University of Oxford Study for TEENS!:


Hair pulling (trichotillomania) is not well understood to teenagers. If you pull your hair in a way that feels difficult to control, taking part in this research will help us learn more about the way that young people who hair-pull feel. 

If you are 13-18, researchers at University of Oxford are looking for teenagers who pull their hair to participate in an online study on emotions. The study includes 2 surveys total, 6 months apart. After completing each survey, you may enter a prize draw for an Amazon voucher.

To begin the first survey, click here!


An American University Study for those in the US:

American University Logo

Researchers at American University are recruiting children with Trichotillomania, and a parent, for a study aiming to better understand how parents and children view the child's Trichotillomania symptoms. 

We are interested in a child's hair pulling symptoms as rated by the child and one parent of the child. A parent and child will have different surveys to complete independently.

We will not ask for any identifying information-- just that a parent and their child with Trichotillomania complete their surveys on their own. We hope to learn more about different perspectives in assessing children's Trichotillomania symptoms. We are looking to recruit pairs of a child with Trichotillomania and one of their parents to complete their own survey forms. You may only participate in pairs; data from one individual alone cannot be used!

Parents: please help your child read the consent information and provide their consent to participate, then allow the child to complete the rest of the survey on their own. You should both complete your surveys independently. The child's survey will last approximately 10 minutes and the parent's survey will last approximately 30-35 minutes.  You and your child will be entered into a lottery to win a $25 Amazon gift card if you both complete your surveys. You will both have a chance to win your own gift card.

Please contact William Zuckerberg at for more information.
Click the appropriate link to get started:

Parent link:

Child link:

A Utah Study for Adults in the U.S:

Do you struggle with chronic hair pulling (trichotillomania)?

The ACT Research Group at Utah State University is seeking adults with trichotillomania to test a new online measure of hair pulling severity.

Participation involves: 

  • One, 1.5 hour zoom interview with the study coordinator
  • completing two online assessments
    • one during the zoom interview
    • one, one-week after the interview
  • total participation could take up to 2 hours over two weeks
  • You can receive up to $30 in Amazon gift cards for completing all surveys.

To be eligible:

  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Have symptoms of trichotillomania
  • Fluent English speaker.
  • Living in the United States
  • Not changing or starting any medications
  • Not currently engaging in therapy for your pulling.

You can find out more about the study at

This study is USU IRB #14085 and the principal investigator is Dr. Michael Twohig ( If you have any questions, please contact the study coordinator at or (435) 527- 5140.

Header photo by UX Indonesia. 

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