17 Useful Tips From Trichsters That Will Help You Deal With Hair Pulling

Trichotillomania is a type of “impulse-control disorder” which leads to people pulling out the hair on their head, eyebrows, eyelashes, arms, or other places on their body. It can lead to feelings of low self-esteem, increased anxiety, and other negative emotions.

In addition to seeking professional help, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, here are some tips from people with trichotillomania about how they deal with hair pulling, including HabitAware’s behavior tracking, “no pull” bracelet, Keen.


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The Keen2 bracelet was created out of personal need. It's gesture-detection technology allows it to vibrate when it detects you doing your behavior, and sends you a signal to take care of yourself. Identify triggers, find patterns, and redirect urges with Keen2.

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