
3 Tips to Stop Skin Picking (or Stop Hair Pulling) from the Stop Skin Picking Coach

By Annette Pasternak, Stop Skin Picking Coach

Aneela asked me to share my best videos on tips for BFRB (body focused repetitive behavior) reduction and recovery and, upon considering, I found it pretty easy to narrow it down to these three. My sincere wish is that they inform and inspire you to positive action and abundant health and happiness.

1. Stop Skin Picking Coach: 3 Low-Tech Products That Really Work

I love technology tools, and I frequently recommend Keen to my coaching clients, who benefit greatly from it. But low-tech solutions can be game-changers too. This video, in which I share inexpensive products that can make a big difference if you struggle with skin picking, has the most “thumbs ups” of all the videos on my YouTube channel. If you pull your hair, rather than pick, you’ll still find at least one tip here that works for you.



2. Skin Picking and Sugar: Real Life Examples

People with BFRBs have super-sensitive nervous systems, and processed sugar, which is unhealthy for everybody, can be especially destabilizing and behavior-inducing for us. In this video, which has the most views of all my videos, I show you examples from three of my clients who were keeping track of their picking. We see how dramatically sugar was affecting picking and how upon removal of processed sugar, skin picking went effectively to zero. I would expect to see the same with hair pulling, and if you’re suffering with any BFRB, I recommend you give sugar-elimination a try.



< See real life examples of how our Keen family is taking control: Dermatillomania & Trichotillomania Awareness Bracelet Reviews >


3. Belief in BFRB Recovery – Skin Picking, Hair Pulling, and others

The last video I share could very likely be the most important. It’s about believing in yourself and your recovery. It can be a big challenge to believe in yourself and your ability to recover from BFRBs, because you have probably tried to stop so many times and for so long. But without belief, we don’t have the emotional resources to persist at the long-term work that’s required. In this video I describe effective ways to increase your belief in yourself.



Remember, big changes happen over time with knowledge, practice and persistence. I’m so happy to have had the chance to “speak” with you today and introduce you to information that I hope you’ve enjoyed and found beneficial.




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4. OUR FAVE! A BONUS: Dermatillomania and Technology: 3 Techie Tools to Help You Stop Picking

As an added bonus, check out this video clip with Annette’s fab client AND Keen Family member, Genevieve. She has been using three specific tools to help her win against skin picking. One of those tools is Keen. Genevieve shares how Keen has helped her retrain her brain, build her awareness muscles and given her confidence to take control and stop skin picking. Check out Genevieve’s tools – hopefully you will be able to gain a tool of your own! 



About Annette Pasternak, Ph.D.
Annette Pasternak, Ph.D., also known as the “Stop Skin Picking Coach,” is the author of Skin Picking: The Freedom to Finally Stop and the Freedom Companions for Stopping Skin Picking and Hair Pulling  She is a certified holistic health coach living in Los Angeles and coaching clients worldwide to stop skin picking. Formerly a research scientist, college professor and high school chemistry teacher who struggled for more than two decades with chronic skin picking, Annette is dedicated to helping others break free from its tenacious grip. Learn more about Annette and her work at her website stopskinpickingcoach.com.

About Keen by HabitAware
HabitAware makes Keen, a smart bracelet that helps manage nail biting, hair pulling, thumb sucking, and other subconscious behaviors. Customized gesture detection brings you into awareness and helps you develop healthier habits.
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