Community Spotlight: Natasha Daniels and the Anxious Toddler Parenting Survival Podcast

Community Spotlight: Natasha Daniels and the Anxious Toddler Parenting Survival Podcast

We are so happy to introduce you to Natasha Daniels, LCSW, who is a child therapist who has worked in child OCD, Anxiety, & BFRB spaces for years. She is an author and an advocate, and mother of three!

Her podcast for parenting children with Anxiety and OCD is a blend of expert insights, actionable strategies, and real-life stories that connect with parents who are searching for answers, comfort, or simply a sense of community.

At HabitAware, we know how it feels to be a parent, watching our kid struggle with compulsive hair pulling, skin picking, and nail biting. We want nothing else but to protect them, and keep them safe. But we rob our kids the ability to learn when we protect them from failure. There's a balance between helping your child to manage their BFRB, and managing it for them. 

Here's 5 reasons why you should take a listen to an episode Natasha's podcast:

  • Expert Guidance Made Accessible
  • Compassionate and Relatable Approach
  • Real-World, Actionable Advice
  • Holistic Understanding of Compulsive Behaviors
  • Support for the Entire Family. Yes, it's okay to admit parenting a kid with mental health struggles is difficult.

At HabitAware, we believe in a comprehensive approach to managing and overcoming body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs). Our Keen2 smart bracelet is designed to help build awareness and change behavior patterns, but we also know that technology is just one part of the solution.

Natasha Daniels' podcast provides the critical emotional support and education needed for parents to feel empowered in their roles. Combining our BFRB tools with the knowledge and community provided by Natasha’s podcast can create a powerful support system for families navigating body-focused repetitive behaviors.

Here's some of Team HabitAware's favorite episodes for parents of kids & teens with BFRBs:

1. A guide to finding that balance between being a hands-on parent and letting your child learn for themselves:

2. A guide to taking (and leaving) unsolicited advice from people:

3. A general look at parenting styles and how they impact how your child perceives your support, depending on how you show it:

4. An exploration into teaching your child the skills that they need to effectively advocate for the support they need to help them thrive. 

5. And, not to be biased, a HabitAware feature highlighting BFRBs!. 

6. BONUS! We were on an episode years ago. It's worth a listen!


More of a reader? Natasha's got you covered!

Natasha has written a memoir about her experience with social anxiety, from childhood through adulthood. It's called Out of My Shell, and it's available now! 

Here's an excerpt: 

"I pulled the covers up tight to protect me from my ever-growing insecurities. The room was dark and quiet, but my mind was spinning. Everyone hates me. I’m an outsider. I can’t stomach this anymore.
I curled up into a fetal position and hugged my knees. Do I really need to get up today? I wondered if I could just hit the pause button, freeze life while I tried to catch my breath. I didn’t need any new information for my brain to process. I didn’t want any new experiences. I just wanted to get lost in the darkness where life simply didn’t exist.
My head was throbbing. How long had I been lying here? I felt too vulnerable for the harshness of the world. I felt too fragile to take another hit. I just wanted to hide forever. The world felt unsafe. As if it was a packed audience waiting to see me stammer on my lines, waiting to mock my efforts."


You don't have to feel completely confused as to what to do when raising a child with a body-focused repetitive behavior, OCD, or another mental health condition. Natasha's podcast can help you equip yourself with the right tools, knowledge, and community support to make a difference in your child’s life today. 

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The Keen2 bracelet was created out of personal need. It's gesture-detection technology allows it to vibrate when it detects you doing your behavior, and sends you a signal to take care of yourself. Identify triggers, find patterns, and redirect urges with Keen2.

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