Overcoming Hair Loss Summit: Taking Control of Hair Pulling, Skin Picking, Nail Biting, anything!

Overcoming Hair Loss Summit: Taking Control of Hair Pulling, Skin Picking, Nail Biting, anything!


Are you interested in taking control of trichotillomania, dermatillomania or nail biting?

If you said yes, you are in the right place!

From out of control to trichotillomania recovery

Are you struggling, doubting, and living fearfully? That was me too.

For most of my life I felt I wasn't good enough simply because I pulled out my hair, a medical condition known as trichotillomania. The idea that I was causing this hair loss created a cycle of negative self speak and more loss in my life.

But, I truly believe that the things you want in life want you too. You don't have to yearn for them, you just have to summon the courage to shed the pain you are carrying and go after them, without giving up.

Find that courage in the stories of others who have overcome - seeing and hearing how others have regrown their strength and confidence can give you the boost you need:

If we can do it, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

This is why I’m honored to have partnered with my trailblazing friend, Valerie Fuentes, for the Overcoming Medical Hair Loss: How to Awaken Unshakable Confidence, Practice Radical Acceptance and Live Life Powerfully FREE digital summit to share my trichotillomania story.


 I am confident this series will touch your soul at a deep level and help you get on your true path. There are so many good nuggets of inspiration for you from 15+ experts on hair loss. Our stories show that you can go from waiting for permission to taking the lead in your life. 


I want to show you how I took the lead - in my own life - and how we are helping thousands around the world do the same with the power of Keen Awareness by HabitAware.


And please be sure to sign up to get FREE E-BOOK detailing MY treatment for trichotillomania (hair pulling) - and sister conditions - dermatillomania (skin picking) and onychophagia (nail biting).


It took me more than 20 years to get to a point where I am in control of my hair pulling, confident in who I am and comfortable being me.

I want that state of peace for YOU too! But HURRY, YOUR ACCESS TO 15% OFF HABITAWARE KEEN ends March 31st, 2020!

🎁 Subscribe to get YOUR free gift 🎁

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