HabitAware Reviews - column
"My two most powerful trich-blockers: hats and habitaware...My other weapon of choice, the bracelet, has been on my wrist since April. It’s by far the most effective method I use to track and combat my pulling. "
- Abby
"I haven’t needed [my Keen] in over 3 months. For 10 years I couldn’t wear clothing that showed my arms, back, or chest. I was ashamed of my picking and the wounds created all over my body. No matter what I tried, my skin picking took over. HabitAware changed that. It was a learning curve...But I am almost pick free. I feel beautiful again because I’m not ashamed and don’t have wounds to hide. Picking isn’t my first response to anxiety anymore. I know I can always put my bracelet back on if I start to struggle, but I’ve been able to create new habits to replace [the picking]."
- Sadie
"Keen gives me the ability to acknowledge when I'm pulling, which has done wonders to get me to stop. Before, I often recognized that I was doing it, but I had no way to translate that awareness into behavior change. Now I press the button after I get a buzz, and this simple action interferes with the pattern of pulling, so I don't return to it (for a while, at least)."
- Jenn
"That's the whole point with BFRBs, we want to catch the behaviors when they're subconscious, and this definitely does it... I love this company, their mission, the people who created this device, and how they are in the BFRB community."
- Tammy Fletcher, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
"I am a nursing student in San Francisco struggling with skin picking for a lifetime and this was a Godsend to see for me."
- Selena
"Keen has given my son a way to notice his behavior subtly. He would always get annoyed when we called him out and asked him to stop pulling his hair. His response was always "I'm not! I'm just scratching/rubbing/etc my head". This summer he's actually getting to grow his hair out :-)"
- Tara
"Once I had my two Keens trained, I felt I was finally able to relax knowing that I would be alerted before I pulled my hair. I finally felt like myself again. That feeling alone was so worth it!"
- Adrienne
"I have suffered since age 8 with trichotillomania. I had done everything possible. I lost hope two years ago. I gave up even trying then I found out about HabitAware. I have cried happy tears for the past few days. I am so happy that this is working. I am starting to feel confident again."
- Rachel
"The Keen bracelet is easily mistaken for a sports bracelet. For instance, when I was checking into a hotel the front desk agent asked me 'oh what kind of sports bracelet is that?' Having it look like something else is super helpful."
- Laura
"Last weekend I had to go to a function where there were going to be water games. I didn't want to take the chance at ruining the bracelets so I decided I was going to have to go without them. When I was there I noticed something about myself that I had never happened before... I knew where my hands were without the bracelets. I was aware on my own! I had one of those epiphany moments, I realized I knew what I was doing and I could stop"
- Anonymous
"I thought I had to have the Keen bracelets to be aware, but after 3 months of wearing them, my brain has made the connection without the bracelets…It really was awesome because it wasn’t just my hair, I just felt a heightened awareness of where my hands were and a really huge burst of confidence."
- Lesley
"I wear my bracelet every day and no one questions it because it looks like a fitness bracelet. I love the way the bracelet looks and the fact that I am the only one who feels the vibration to know when it is alerting me. They say it takes 21 days to correct a bad habit. I have been wearing it longer than that and my hair is finally starting to grow. I may even be ready to wear my hair up this summer!"
- Stephanie
"I have two bands. They have helped me greatly as I would pull for hours and really wasn't aware of the time that passed except when my wrist would start to ache. With the bracelets I programmed them quickly for four of my exact pulling gestures. The customization is easy. After that the vibration alerted me each time I was pulling or going into that gesture. "
- Rebecca
"I can honestly say that I am the happiest I have ever been in my life right now. Coming out of that dark place gave me perspective and made me appreciate everything so much more. My hair is almost completely grown in and my confidence is back. I went from not wanting to leave the house or see anyone to being excited to go out and be social."
- Allie
"When Maela first began wearing her Keen, she would gasp and giggle when the bracelet “caught” her pulling. As Maela continues wearing her Keen, she and her mom are learning that they are on a journey."
- Courtney
"My bracelet came today Aneela!!!!! I'm so excited and must say training it has been super easy! Thank you so much!❤"
- Melissa
"I have had this for almost a year now. Worth every single penny!!! The more aware I am, the easier it is to overcome #trichotillomania. This bracelet is a God send!"
- Erika
"I thought that Trichotillomania was something I would have to accept and live with for the rest of my life. I can’t believe I was able to retrain my brain and break free of it after just a few weeks with the help of Keen!"
- Stephanie
"I love your product for my dermatillomania (skin picking)...Thanks so much! This product saved my life! I can take pictures of my skin and not feel ashamed, even my boss noticed my progress! Thanks again!">— Ms. Campbell
"The best purchase made for 2017 to accomplish new goals for 2018! 👏🏻❤️😬"
- Jessica
"It helped me manage skin picking in a matter of weeks more than I could have by myself in a decade."
- @Annie Rae
"When I received my Keen, I trained it for twirling and hair pulling on the left side of my head and for skin picking on the top of my head. I really appreciated the option to change the detection settings depending on my body position, since I usually do my habits most when I’m laying on the couch or sitting at my desk. I hardly ever take Keen off! When my Keen is charging, I still wear the strap as a reminder to help train my brain. I even wear it to sleep!"
- Amy
"About 1 year ago I thought I had no hope. Since I was 15 years old, I exhibited [skin picking] behaviors and I always kept it a secret. When I turned 30 y/o my BFRB's increased so much. I picked at the skin on my feet until I could barely walk. I stopped going to the hair salon and spa due to the shame. Getting the Keen bracelet gave me so much awareness, confidence and hope! I have been able to tell fear "peace out!" My daily attempts to pick my skin decreased from 64 times to 28 times to now...0! I was able to accomplish this in 8 months :) I've been able to be aware of my triggers, develop self-control and replace my obsessive behaviors with healthy ones!!!"
- Natalia
"Up until this last few months, I didn’t feel like I was ever going to overcome my hair pulling and it was hard to talk about. I knew that I had the ability to change it, but nothing I ever tried made any difference. Luckily, I felt prompted to do some online research (bfrb.org is a great source) and found the Keen bracelet and thought I would give it a try. It was just the jumpstart that I needed and that coupled with some online therapy, I’ve gone 37 days without pulling (which is seriously a miracle and I don’t use that word lightly)."
- Katie
"A few times, my Keen bracelet alerted me during the moments I was fully-concentrated. I was shocked to find that my hand had wandered up without me noticing. I had no idea I even pulled mindlessly. Taking note of each vibration, I noticed a pattern. Anytime I felt under-stimulated, I got urges. Since recognizing the situations I felt under-stimulated and pulled in, I began to avoid some of those situations and used strategies to “ride out” the urges in others."
- Amber
"Seeing someone decrease their hair-pulling with the bracelet from HabitAware is incredible! If you (or someone you know) have a similar issue, please check out this new technology."
- Shanda Curiel, PsyD
"It's great, awareness is key. You can't beat it without that, no matter what other components of a BFRB you're working on. Ultimately, it comes down to a choice, and it's not a choice if you're not aware you're doing it."
- Annette Pasternak, Skin Picking Coach
"I'm almost 30 days without pulling! This bracelet is a god send! 💖"
- Claire
"I just want to say that I've had Keen for 3 days now and it's amazing how much it is helping!! Such a great piece of technology! Thank you!"
- Cathy
"J'ai acheté un bracelet Keen de HabitAware et ça marche super bien aussi. Une semaine que j'ai presque pas arraché!"
- @animoflo
" My daughter, always an anxious person, was picking at her skin as well as biting her nails until they bled. With her fingers covered in bandaids and blood on the floor, we decided we would buy these bracelets for her. Can I say how amazed we all were that after day 1 of wearing the bracelets, she stopped nail biting and skin picking. We are now into day 7 with the bracelets and she can see her fingernails growing and fingers healing. Her therapists are amazed at [her] progress....She still does pick and bite when they are not on, but it isn’t as bad as it was. Not only do we appreciate that these bracelets work, we also appreciate all the helpful emails and help you provided if we needed it. It was so easy that [she] was able to do it herself without help."
- Stacia (mom)
"I've been pulling since age 9. For most of my life I thought I was alone, until I met a teacher in my high school with the same problems. After that, I became less ashamed...and now talk openly about it. I didn't seriously start forcing myself to quit picking until my senior year. I was able to grow back all of my eyebrows and eyelashes, but keeping them has been my issue ever since. I now have two bracelets (I pick with both hands) and they've been helping a lot! Sometimes I still slip up...But I've improved a bunch! I'm confident that with these bracelets, one day I'll be pull-free!"
- Brittany
"I just had enough regrowth because of Keen to afford me the opportunity to go to a beauty shop for a haircut without feeling embarrassed. The hair stylist cut and colored my hair in a most flattering way and for the first time in over 15 years I can wear my hair without having to try and disguise my patchy hair and spray it to prevent embarrassing situations. I wear my Keen proudly and it helps me to remind me to stop, think, and find something to do with my hands other than pull. I am feeling proud. I could not have done it without Keen, believe me I have tried everything. Thank you"
- CM
"The bracelet is affordable for the difference it can make in your life."
- LeMetric Hair & Beauty
"[Keen] played a huge role in my recovery for two reasons: awareness and tracking. I didn't realize how automatic my pulling was until I had the bracelets catch me every time. And I hate to track, as valuable as it is. But Keen has a little button on it...With Keen I can track my behavior with minimal disruption to my life."
- SELF Magazine
"If you’re looking for a device to help you become more aware of your pulling/picking or any other type of BFRBs, look no further, as this is clearly the best option out there today."
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