"I love Keen as an option for my patients with BFRBs. It is easy to use, discreet, and my patients have found it extremely effective. It is great alone or as an adjunct to CBT. It's wonderful to have many options and tools for these patients as nothing is one size fits all. It's an exciting new option that is extremely well received."
- Beth Salcedo, MD, President ADAA -
"Keen bracelets have been very helpful to my patients with BFRB’s such as hair pulling and skin picking. The devices are invaluable for bringing into awareness habitual physical movements that lead to the problem behavior. Without this awareness, patients cannot begin to implement the therapeutic strategies that they are seeking my help to learn. "
- David J. Kosins, Ph.D -
"One of the major struggles for many individuals who exhibit BFRBs is awareness of the problem behavior. Many report the experience of “catching” themselves pulling hair well into a full-blown “episode.” It’s much easier to prevent a pulling episode than it is to stop one midstream. Anything that increases awareness of behavior BEFORE is a necessary tool!"
- Natalie C. Arnette, Ph.D., LLC -
"That's the whole point with BFRBs, we want to catch the behaviors when they're subconscious, and this definitely does it... I love this company, their mission, the people who created this device, and how they are in the BFRB community."
- Tammy Fletcher, Therapist
"I recommend that my clients use the Keen bracelet if they struggle with awareness of their BFRB. People tend to engage in behaviors outside of their awareness, and Keen provides a tool to enhance their direct awareness of their BFRB behavior. Keen has been effective for my clients who need their attention called to their BFRB, so that they can then make the choice to use a targeted intervention. "
- Suzanne Mouton-Odum, Ph.D -
"I recommend the Keen bracelet to all clients working through BFRBs as a tool to increase awareness. Though aware there is a problem habit, the bracelet works wonders in catching the exact moment they are engaging in movement and giving them the option to continue or to stop. This is critically important and for many, the hardest part of treatment! I find it to be a very empowering and helpful device. My clients have had great success and I will continue to recommend Keen. I wish more trich-sters knew about it!"
- Michelle Lozano, AMFT -
"Keen's technology is a breakthrough. Many professionals have dreamed of having this type of awareness bracelet for years to help people with hair pulling, nail biting, and other similar behaviors. It also has huge potential for future research." - Dr. Carol Novak, MD, Founding Director and Board Member for the TLC Foundation for BFRBs
"Awareness is key in the treatment of BFRBs and Keen is an innovative tool to help bring that awareness to sufferers. I’ve seen Keen make the difference between wanting to recover and being in recovery." - Laura Kremer, PA-C
"Keen has been a positive addition to my clients tool kit in reducing their BFRB. Clients report that they are more aware of pulling behaviors and are able to intervene sooner."
- Pam Katz, LCSW -
"Keen has provided quick change and really positive results for my clients. Use of it has provided increased motivation to try different interventions."
- Scott Haigley, LCPC -
"Keen has great potential to improve BFRB outcomes and we are looking forward to collaborating on research to establish the effectiveness of Keen for BFRBs."
- Douglas W.Woods Ph.D, SAB TLC Foundation for BFRBs