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mHUB Member Spotlight: HabitAware
BFRBs aren't just bad habits that can be broken by sheer power of will— long-term treatment consists of identifying and treating the root cause of the behaviors, and even then,...
mHUB Member Spotlight: HabitAware
BFRBs aren't just bad habits that can be broken by sheer power of will— long-term treatment consists of identifying and treating the root cause of the behaviors, and even then,...

Game-changing device for people with body-focus...
At 17 years old, Aneela Idnani was struggling with the loss of her father. Over time, she developed a mental health condition known as Trichotillomania, a compulsion to unknowingly pull...
Game-changing device for people with body-focus...
At 17 years old, Aneela Idnani was struggling with the loss of her father. Over time, she developed a mental health condition known as Trichotillomania, a compulsion to unknowingly pull...

With Keen Awareness, Aneela Idnani Is Helping P...
"At 12 years old, Aneela Idnani thought she was “weird.” Secretly, as she entered her teens, she began pulling out her hair without being able to stop herself. She berated...
With Keen Awareness, Aneela Idnani Is Helping P...
"At 12 years old, Aneela Idnani thought she was “weird.” Secretly, as she entered her teens, she began pulling out her hair without being able to stop herself. She berated...

Vibrating bracelet helping control compulsive h...
Director of Awareness with HabitAware, Ellen Crupi, says she has a common, yet unspoken disorder called Trichotillomania (trik-o-til-o-MAY-nee-uh). Crupi spoke with Keni Mac on Loving Living Local, sharing her journey battling the compulsive...
Vibrating bracelet helping control compulsive h...
Director of Awareness with HabitAware, Ellen Crupi, says she has a common, yet unspoken disorder called Trichotillomania (trik-o-til-o-MAY-nee-uh). Crupi spoke with Keni Mac on Loving Living Local, sharing her journey battling the compulsive...
Fidget Podcast ft. Ellen Crupi: I really do thi...
Who is the pilot? Who is at fault? What can replace shame? What is more satisfying than a BFRB? How do we organize ourselves? When am I allowed to...
Fidget Podcast ft. Ellen Crupi: I really do thi...
Who is the pilot? Who is at fault? What can replace shame? What is more satisfying than a BFRB? How do we organize ourselves? When am I allowed to...
Fidget Podcast ft. Aneela Idnani: There will be...
What are the underlying conditions of our BFRBs? How do you meet yourself with compassion? What we use as reminders? What does pain push us to do? Featured guest: Aneela...
Fidget Podcast ft. Aneela Idnani: There will be...
What are the underlying conditions of our BFRBs? How do you meet yourself with compassion? What we use as reminders? What does pain push us to do? Featured guest: Aneela...