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HabitAware Blog: Soul Fuel

Becoming HabitAware: Lori Turns Hair Pulling into Music Making!

Becoming HabitAware: Lori Turns Hair Pulling in...

Lori is a longtime member of the BFRB Change Collective and a friend of HabitAware! She's no longer suffering with Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling disorder), and has found a system...

Becoming HabitAware: Lori Turns Hair Pulling in...

Lori is a longtime member of the BFRB Change Collective and a friend of HabitAware! She's no longer suffering with Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling disorder), and has found a system...

Trichotillomania Research Opportunity: UK + US-based Student-Led Research

Trichotillomania Research Opportunity: UK + US-...

GUEST POSTHELLO BFRB Community! Team HabitAware is always looking for ways to support the community. In the past we've helped a number of student researchers recruit participants for their independent...

Trichotillomania Research Opportunity: UK + US-...

GUEST POSTHELLO BFRB Community! Team HabitAware is always looking for ways to support the community. In the past we've helped a number of student researchers recruit participants for their independent...

Conquering with Keen: Jeff Uses Trial and Error to Find What Works

Conquering with Keen: Jeff Uses Trial and Error...

​​Hello everybody!  My name is Jeff in Seattle and I’ve struggled with Trichotillomania (Eyebrows) for 14 years.  This was very therapeutic to write a blog for the first time in...

Conquering with Keen: Jeff Uses Trial and Error...

​​Hello everybody!  My name is Jeff in Seattle and I’ve struggled with Trichotillomania (Eyebrows) for 14 years.  This was very therapeutic to write a blog for the first time in...

Guest Post: Becca Shines a Spotlight on her Battle With Trichotillomania

Guest Post: Becca Shines a Spotlight on her Bat...

  By Becca Schneider I've written a play about Trich.  An invitation for the BFRB community. Hello fellow BFRB community members and friends of HabitAware, My name is Becca Schneider,...

Guest Post: Becca Shines a Spotlight on her Bat...

  By Becca Schneider I've written a play about Trich.  An invitation for the BFRB community. Hello fellow BFRB community members and friends of HabitAware, My name is Becca Schneider,...

Biting Your Lips and Peeling the Skin Off? 5 Steps to Overcome Compulsive Lip Biting

Biting Your Lips and Peeling the Skin Off? 5 St...

Lip biting, also called Lip Bite Keratosis, is classified as a Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior (BFRB) like Trichotillomania (hair pulling), Dermatillomania (skin picking) and Onychophagia (nail biting). This is how Kate was able to overcome compulsive...

Biting Your Lips and Peeling the Skin Off? 5 St...

Lip biting, also called Lip Bite Keratosis, is classified as a Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior (BFRB) like Trichotillomania (hair pulling), Dermatillomania (skin picking) and Onychophagia (nail biting). This is how Kate was able to overcome compulsive...

Trichotillomania Recovery: From Hair-Puller to Hairstylist

Trichotillomania Recovery: From Hair-Puller to ...

Dorin's journey with trichotillomania began over 20 years ago. Today she shares, "My Trichotillomania and my hair had negatively affected the activities I chose to participate in, the people I let...

Trichotillomania Recovery: From Hair-Puller to ...

Dorin's journey with trichotillomania began over 20 years ago. Today she shares, "My Trichotillomania and my hair had negatively affected the activities I chose to participate in, the people I let...

  • "Thank you for your faithful emails, they are a source of great motivation for many of us. I actually think of my Keen as a "helper", a unique tool to remind me when I am slipping into my danger zone."
    - L.M.

  • "This newsletter is excellent...I credit the mere existence of this product and the feeling of community fostered by this newsletter, as two of the catalysts that helped free me from my shame and self-loathing in regards to my trichotillomania."
    - D.M.

  • "I won’t unsubscribe. You changed my life. Pull-free for almost 3 months. Thank you for all you do, I haven’t felt this confident in over 10 years."
    - S.M.

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