Discover replacement strategies, expert tips, personal stories, and more.
Pulling your hair or picking at skin can be sig...
Because people often are unaware of when they pull or pick, some have found that using an app-equipped bracelet called Keen helps control the habit. The bracelets are programmed to detect...
Pulling your hair or picking at skin can be sig...
Because people often are unaware of when they pull or pick, some have found that using an app-equipped bracelet called Keen helps control the habit. The bracelets are programmed to detect...
HabitAware’s Founder Talks Supporting Mental He...
As part of the 1 in 4 Americans with a mental health disorder, I never actually lied about taking a sick day “because I’m not feeling well,” but I never...
HabitAware’s Founder Talks Supporting Mental He...
As part of the 1 in 4 Americans with a mental health disorder, I never actually lied about taking a sick day “because I’m not feeling well,” but I never...
HabitAware Keen is a “50 on Fire”
Every story and newsletter published by Minne Inno seeks to highlight local individuals and businesses driving change in Minnesota. With our first 50 on Fire celebration, we want to shine...
HabitAware Keen is a “50 on Fire”
Every story and newsletter published by Minne Inno seeks to highlight local individuals and businesses driving change in Minnesota. With our first 50 on Fire celebration, we want to shine...
9 Tips for Managing a Body-Focused Repetitive B...
"The Keen [bracelet by HabitAware] ...played a huge role in my recovery for two reasons: awareness and tracking. I didn’t realize how automatic my pulling was until I had the bracelets catch...
9 Tips for Managing a Body-Focused Repetitive B...
"The Keen [bracelet by HabitAware] ...played a huge role in my recovery for two reasons: awareness and tracking. I didn’t realize how automatic my pulling was until I had the bracelets catch...
HabitAware Keen on Destigmatizing Mental Illness
Most people have a bad habit. It could be something annoying but mostly harmless, like hitting the snooze button. But for others, like HabitAware co-founder Aneela Idnani, repetitive body behaviors are...
HabitAware Keen on Destigmatizing Mental Illness
Most people have a bad habit. It could be something annoying but mostly harmless, like hitting the snooze button. But for others, like HabitAware co-founder Aneela Idnani, repetitive body behaviors are...
A wearable device that responds to correctional...
子どもを持つ親にとって心配ごとのひとつに、「爪を噛む」「指しゃぶり」といった子ども特有の“癖”がある。無意識にしてしまう行為だけに、放置していると気づいたときには子どもの指先がボロボロになってしまうこともある。こうした癖を治すには根気強い指導や注意が必要で、子どものうちに治さなければ、大人になっても癖が抜けないということもある。 Translated: One concern for parents with children is “children’s peculiarities” such as “biting nails” and “thumb sucking”. Sometimes the child’s fingertips are frustrating when you realize that you are...
A wearable device that responds to correctional...
子どもを持つ親にとって心配ごとのひとつに、「爪を噛む」「指しゃぶり」といった子ども特有の“癖”がある。無意識にしてしまう行為だけに、放置していると気づいたときには子どもの指先がボロボロになってしまうこともある。こうした癖を治すには根気強い指導や注意が必要で、子どものうちに治さなければ、大人になっても癖が抜けないということもある。 Translated: One concern for parents with children is “children’s peculiarities” such as “biting nails” and “thumb sucking”. Sometimes the child’s fingertips are frustrating when you realize that you are...