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1 out of 50 people have OCD in the United State...
而除了可配合用藥及行為治療,論壇所見,幫助強迫症患者的科技都日新月異,如貌似時尚Fitbit智能手帶的Keen「habitaware」手帶,就是專門幫用家戒掉一些不想要的小動作,一偵測到他們作出預設的姿勢,就會震動提醒用家停止,又能紀錄相關數據,價錢只是約100美元(約780港元)至200美元(約1,560港元)。即使不是OCD患者,想戒掉咬手或咬筆等這類小動作,都可以幫上忙。 Translated: In addition to drugs that can be used with the treatment to help OCD patients, a Fitbit-like smart bracelet, Keen by HabitAware, helps users quit unwanted habits. It...
1 out of 50 people have OCD in the United State...
而除了可配合用藥及行為治療,論壇所見,幫助強迫症患者的科技都日新月異,如貌似時尚Fitbit智能手帶的Keen「habitaware」手帶,就是專門幫用家戒掉一些不想要的小動作,一偵測到他們作出預設的姿勢,就會震動提醒用家停止,又能紀錄相關數據,價錢只是約100美元(約780港元)至200美元(約1,560港元)。即使不是OCD患者,想戒掉咬手或咬筆等這類小動作,都可以幫上忙。 Translated: In addition to drugs that can be used with the treatment to help OCD patients, a Fitbit-like smart bracelet, Keen by HabitAware, helps users quit unwanted habits. It...
I Tried Wearing A Tracker To Stop Playing With ...
Once my Keen arrived in the mail, I charged it for a couple hours and was ready to go. I fiddled a bit with the settings—you can customize how sensitive...
I Tried Wearing A Tracker To Stop Playing With ...
Once my Keen arrived in the mail, I charged it for a couple hours and was ready to go. I fiddled a bit with the settings—you can customize how sensitive...
Do you know a trichster when you see one?
Aneela was 12 when she first started plucking out her eyebrows and eyelashes. Hormonal changes at puberty and stress arising due to her father suffering from leukaemia meant that the...
Do you know a trichster when you see one?
Aneela was 12 when she first started plucking out her eyebrows and eyelashes. Hormonal changes at puberty and stress arising due to her father suffering from leukaemia meant that the...
How one trichster got rid of her mania
We knew from the beginning that a smart bracelet would make the most sense but we first tested with “low fidelity” ideas. One prototype we made was a slap bracelet...
How one trichster got rid of her mania
We knew from the beginning that a smart bracelet would make the most sense but we first tested with “low fidelity” ideas. One prototype we made was a slap bracelet...
Pharmaceuticals, Technology, and the Future of IP
HabitAware is a smart wearable bracelet dedicated to controlling Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD). OCD can be felt with varying levels of intensity and cover a number of different behaviors. The wearable monitors...
Pharmaceuticals, Technology, and the Future of IP
HabitAware is a smart wearable bracelet dedicated to controlling Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD). OCD can be felt with varying levels of intensity and cover a number of different behaviors. The wearable monitors...
A Therapist in Your Pocket
HabitAware’s sleek Keen bracelet resembles a sports activity tracker. Using Bluetooth technology, it can be customized to deliver a vibration to alert the wearer of their often subconscious compulsion.
A Therapist in Your Pocket
HabitAware’s sleek Keen bracelet resembles a sports activity tracker. Using Bluetooth technology, it can be customized to deliver a vibration to alert the wearer of their often subconscious compulsion.