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HabitAware Blog: Soul Fuel

BFRB Management and Mindfulness. Are they compatible?

BFRB Management and Mindfulness. Are they compa...

For many of us, mindfulness has become just another overused word in the self-help social media world. But there is genuinely some truth to these practices, and we can use...

BFRB Management and Mindfulness. Are they compa...

For many of us, mindfulness has become just another overused word in the self-help social media world. But there is genuinely some truth to these practices, and we can use...

How You Can Spread BFRB Awareness This Mental Health Awareness Month

How You Can Spread BFRB Awareness This Mental H...

Let's create some noise about Body-focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) this mental health awareness month. It's a surprisingly common condition, although nobody talks about it. It's estimated that 1 in 20 suffer from a...

How You Can Spread BFRB Awareness This Mental H...

Let's create some noise about Body-focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) this mental health awareness month. It's a surprisingly common condition, although nobody talks about it. It's estimated that 1 in 20 suffer from a...

Unexpected Skills That BFRB Management Teaches You

Unexpected Skills That BFRB Management Teaches You

Learning to manage a body-focused repetitive behavior helps you develop skills that transcend just your trichotillomania, dermatillomania, or onychophagia. Living with a body-focused repetitive behavior can feel limiting at times,...

Unexpected Skills That BFRB Management Teaches You

Learning to manage a body-focused repetitive behavior helps you develop skills that transcend just your trichotillomania, dermatillomania, or onychophagia. Living with a body-focused repetitive behavior can feel limiting at times,...

How HabitAware helps Mental Health

How HabitAware helps Mental Health

Social constructs and society's rules of beauty can have a profound impact on people with trichotillomania and dermatillomania. These constructs can lead to feelings of shame and self-loathing, causing those...

How HabitAware helps Mental Health

Social constructs and society's rules of beauty can have a profound impact on people with trichotillomania and dermatillomania. These constructs can lead to feelings of shame and self-loathing, causing those...

The Hidden Struggles of Living with a Body-focused Repetitive Behavior: Realities that Need Understanding

The Hidden Struggles of Living with a Body-focu...

If you haven't experienced the relentless urges associated with chronic hair pulling, skin picking or nail biting, it can be difficult to grasp some of the struggles tied to these...

The Hidden Struggles of Living with a Body-focu...

If you haven't experienced the relentless urges associated with chronic hair pulling, skin picking or nail biting, it can be difficult to grasp some of the struggles tied to these...

Managing BFRBs: Redefining Relapse and Finding Your Own Path

Managing BFRBs: Redefining Relapse and Finding ...

Managing trichotillomania, dermatillomania and other BFRBs can be a lifelong journey, and the idea of "relapse" isn't always helpful. Instead, it's important to redefine what success and progress mean for...

Managing BFRBs: Redefining Relapse and Finding ...

Managing trichotillomania, dermatillomania and other BFRBs can be a lifelong journey, and the idea of "relapse" isn't always helpful. Instead, it's important to redefine what success and progress mean for...

  • "Thank you for your faithful emails, they are a source of great motivation for many of us. I actually think of my Keen as a "helper", a unique tool to remind me when I am slipping into my danger zone."
    - L.M.

  • "This newsletter is excellent...I credit the mere existence of this product and the feeling of community fostered by this newsletter, as two of the catalysts that helped free me from my shame and self-loathing in regards to my trichotillomania."
    - D.M.

  • "I won’t unsubscribe. You changed my life. Pull-free for almost 3 months. Thank you for all you do, I haven’t felt this confident in over 10 years."
    - S.M.

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