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HabitAware Blog: Soul Fuel

Side Effects: BFRBs vs. Keen

Side Effects: BFRBs vs. Keen

Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) are your restless mind translating to "restless" hands. They are exactly what they say: body-focused, repetitive behaviors, or behaviors where you soothe yourself repeatedly with your...

Side Effects: BFRBs vs. Keen

Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) are your restless mind translating to "restless" hands. They are exactly what they say: body-focused, repetitive behaviors, or behaviors where you soothe yourself repeatedly with your...

HabitAware Helps Stop Nail Biting - Deena's Story

How Deena stopped a 70 year nail biting "habit"...

This is Deena’s Conquering with Keen story, as told to Ellen Crupi, HabitAware’s Director of Awareness. Early this March, HabitAware started supporting Deena in achieving her goal of kicking her...

How Deena stopped a 70 year nail biting "habit"...

This is Deena’s Conquering with Keen story, as told to Ellen Crupi, HabitAware’s Director of Awareness. Early this March, HabitAware started supporting Deena in achieving her goal of kicking her...

Highlighting Artists in our BFRB Community

Highlighting Artists in our BFRB Community

Art is a way of sparking conversation, uniting people, healing, and inspiring. There are so many individuals using their talent and creativity as a platform as a way of understanding...

Highlighting Artists in our BFRB Community

Art is a way of sparking conversation, uniting people, healing, and inspiring. There are so many individuals using their talent and creativity as a platform as a way of understanding...

HabitAware BFRB Education - Webinar Replays

HabitAware BFRB Education - Webinar Replays

Missed out on one of the body focused repetitive behavior educational webinars that HabitAware has hosted? Don't worry. We've got you covered. Here's a list of recordings so you can watch, pause, and reflect...

HabitAware BFRB Education - Webinar Replays

Missed out on one of the body focused repetitive behavior educational webinars that HabitAware has hosted? Don't worry. We've got you covered. Here's a list of recordings so you can watch, pause, and reflect...

How to Stop Biting Your Nails

How to Stop Biting Your Nails

What is nail biting? Do you find yourself biting your nails when you are stressed, tired, bored or anxious? Nail biting is not uncommon - and it’s not always just...

How to Stop Biting Your Nails

What is nail biting? Do you find yourself biting your nails when you are stressed, tired, bored or anxious? Nail biting is not uncommon - and it’s not always just...

Conquering with Keen - Casey's Trichotillomania Recovery Story

Conquering with Keen - Casey's Trichotillomania...

"It all began in elementary school. I remember I was in my bedroom when my parents asked me where my eyelashes went. I didn’t know what they were talking about...

Conquering with Keen - Casey's Trichotillomania...

"It all began in elementary school. I remember I was in my bedroom when my parents asked me where my eyelashes went. I didn’t know what they were talking about...

  • "Thank you for your faithful emails, they are a source of great motivation for many of us. I actually think of my Keen as a "helper", a unique tool to remind me when I am slipping into my danger zone."
    - L.M.

  • "This newsletter is excellent...I credit the mere existence of this product and the feeling of community fostered by this newsletter, as two of the catalysts that helped free me from my shame and self-loathing in regards to my trichotillomania."
    - D.M.

  • "I won’t unsubscribe. You changed my life. Pull-free for almost 3 months. Thank you for all you do, I haven’t felt this confident in over 10 years."
    - S.M.

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