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HabitAware Blog: Soul Fuel
Why don't I pull any hairs on vacation? Why do ...
If you’ve got chronic hair pulling, AKA Trichotillomania, you’ve probably experienced periods of fluctuations in the frequency of your urges. Maybe your urges were worse while you’re going through a...
Why don't I pull any hairs on vacation? Why do ...
If you’ve got chronic hair pulling, AKA Trichotillomania, you’ve probably experienced periods of fluctuations in the frequency of your urges. Maybe your urges were worse while you’re going through a...
THREE Trichotillomania Research Opportunities f...
Trichotillomania research opportunities.
THREE Trichotillomania Research Opportunities f...
Trichotillomania research opportunities.
"My recovery encompasses much more than my hair...
My trichotillomania journey began when I started pulling my hair out at age 11, followed by plucking my eyebrows at 14. Now, at 25 years old, I am a passionate...
"My recovery encompasses much more than my hair...
My trichotillomania journey began when I started pulling my hair out at age 11, followed by plucking my eyebrows at 14. Now, at 25 years old, I am a passionate...
Grab a fidget toy. And then...? How to know if ...
If you’ve done any research about preventing trichotillomania, dermatillomania, onychophagia, and other body-focused repetitive behavior urges, you’ve probably seen a lot of people talking about fidget toys.
Grab a fidget toy. And then...? How to know if ...
If you’ve done any research about preventing trichotillomania, dermatillomania, onychophagia, and other body-focused repetitive behavior urges, you’ve probably seen a lot of people talking about fidget toys.
“What hair regrowth serum works the best?” And ...
If you’ve been in a Facebook group for hair pulling (Trichotillomania), skin picking (Dermatillomania), nail biting (Onychophagia), or any other BFRBs- you’ve probably seen questions similar to: What serum works...
“What hair regrowth serum works the best?” And ...
If you’ve been in a Facebook group for hair pulling (Trichotillomania), skin picking (Dermatillomania), nail biting (Onychophagia), or any other BFRBs- you’ve probably seen questions similar to: What serum works...
A Dream Come True: From Peer Coach Barbara Lally
This blog is written by HabitAware Peer Coach Barbara, author of the Trichster Diaries, and a BFRB advocate. We are so happy to have her as a part of the HabitAware...
A Dream Come True: From Peer Coach Barbara Lally
This blog is written by HabitAware Peer Coach Barbara, author of the Trichster Diaries, and a BFRB advocate. We are so happy to have her as a part of the HabitAware...